By Adrian Adams

Use the Buddy System!

Once youve got the determination to get in shape, find a friend who has a similar goal as you and work on it together. Its a whole lot easier to keep at a fitness regimen if you have someone else there to support you and help you through those Ben and Jerrys cravings. Talk about how much youve accomplished on a weekly basis, and if youre really feeling adventurous, try making weekly contests with each other who can run the most miles, who stuck to their meal plan, and so on. Make it fun, but take your goals seriously.

Once you have your diet planned out, your goals established, and a buddy to take the plunge with you, use these next few tips to help keep yourself on task!


Be Realistic

Yes, youve set some long-term goals for getting in shape, but theres no way youre going to lose 30 pounds in one week. Dont think about it that way, or else youre going to discourage yourself and lose sight of the finish line. Shoot for 3 pounds a week, and tell yourself youre going to be able to run three extra miles each day by the end of the month. Youll feel a lot better about yourself when you reach these smaller accomplishments that are really just gradual steps toward achieving your larger goal.

Reward Yourself and Each Other

What will you do if you accomplish your goal? Head to the beach in Florida to show off your new figure? Why not! Its always easier to reach the finish line when theres some incentive to get there, so dream up something fantastic and make it your end goal. However, you should also give yourself some smaller incentives along the way maybe go shopping for a new shirt or some shoes when you reach each mini-goal. After all, when its all said and done, youre going to need some new clothes to show off your fabulously healthy body!

Most of all, keep your head up even on the days you dont feel so hot, or if you accidentally fall off the wagon and devour that bag of cookies. Tell yourself youre worth it, and believe it! Just keep at it, give it your best shot, and before you know it youll be at the finish line.

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